
We have some exciting but essential projects coming up, please show your support by donating on the homepage via PayPal to help these come to fruition.

We are lucky to have a diverse group of volunteers who are motivated and exited to help get projects started and get the young people involved to learn new skills.

Fencing with Sponsership Signage

Installation of secure new fencing around the parks perimeter with sponsorship advertisement boards, in conjunction with Creative solutions we are giving local businesses the oppertunity to become a sponsor of the park, this will bring in much needed funding to keep the park thriving and cover our yearly ongoing costs.

If you would like to speak to us about sponsership please get in touch via the contact us page.

Drinking Fountain

On the hot summer days its essential to stay hydrated, we are looking into installing a drinking fountain and bottle filler to reduce plastic use and encourage re-usable bottles.

recycling and waste collection

We are currently responsible for emptying the bins and disposing of the waste ourselves. At-least 60% of the waste is recyclable so we would like to install a recycling bin and through eco-eduction highlight the importance of protecting our environment.

Lighting & CCTV

The one you have all been waiting for....

With quotations of around £25,000 - £30.000 for installation of 6 LED low energy floodlights and CCTV we are doing our utmost to look at ways to raise the funds to make this happen. With some possitive local support already in place we hope that taking this project in house may streamline the dream.

We want the skatepark to be open to all, for the whole year round and this would allow that to happen. Any help you could give to get this project moving either financially through donations, supply of materials or through voluntary time please get in touch and we will welcome you with open arms.